Monday, November 23, 2009

Everyday Life

Just a couple of pictures this week. Ben took the camera to the Phillipines, so I won't have any new ones until next week. Isaiah is growing and filling in nicely. He is already growing out of clothes! He only fits in about half of his socks and has outgrown the feet in most of his sleepers. We have his one month check-up this week as well and his first shots. He is usually a trooper with the doctor, so we'll see how Wednesday goes!
Hanging out in his bouncer...a favorite activity. He really likes gazing at the orange hedgehog. Poor owl and squirrel...they never get attention.
Playing piano and singing kids songs from a book I got from Great Grandma Smidt. His favorites are "Who built the ark-y, ark-y," "He's got the whole world in his hands," and "Father Abraham."

Ben bought out the flower stand at the market in celebration of Isaiah's birth. My favorite's were the lilies and palm branches- They were beautiful!

Isaiah left Ben's arms to go eat dinner and Luna thought she needed some "daddy time" too, so she took his exact position!

A little gas smile after eating...haha

Nose to nose with Papa.

Luna, Isaiah and Ben hanging out on the couch.

Isaiah is mesmorized by Ben's face....oh so cute :)

Helping me around the house and hanging out in the sling. Isaiah loves sitting in the sling...he usually isn't awake for very long once he gets in my little kangaroo pouch. When he sleeps in the sling he makes all kinds of cooing noises...its great!
