Last week, Ben sent me a great article excerpted from CatFolks 1956 entitled “Wives On the Job.” The article explained how during his 8-hour work day, “he is never too far removed from his home life…” and “the important person behind him is his wife, who gives him a sense of worth and well-being.” The article included “time-tested suggestions on how a wife can send her husband off to work in a good frame of mind that is conducive to doing his job effectively and safely.” Cat wives sent in suggestions such as “give him something to look forward to when he returns home,” “Keep the house looking orderly, even after an evening of socializing,” “have you husband’s clothes ready when he dresses for work,” “harmonize with his mood” and my personal favorite, “final impressions last longest.” I’ll include the entirety of that entry below”
“ ‘Final impressions last longest’ holds true for your farewell to hubby going to work. Give him the pleasant picture of the gal he took for his life’s companion by grooming yourself to be attractive and neat as Jean Baker does for her husband, Walt of York plant. A little make-up, a comb through the hair, and a clean dress or housecoat can enliven, stimulate, and please him. Eager anticipation of the household tasks ahead of you for the day can reassure him he made the right choice.”
Well, as you can imagine, I felt thoroughly out-performed by the Cat wives of 1957, so I decided to take action. After all, I wanted to reassure Ben that “he made the right choice” for his life’s companion. So, I told Isaiah the plan (he was very excited as well.) We dressed Isaiah in his Cardinals onesie (of course), got the house cleaned up, and made a delicious, creative dinner of spinach-rice bake, meat & cheese kabobs, homemade garlic bread and fruit. I also did my best to look “nice” for Ben in a 1950s-esk hairstyle and outfit. I pulled up Ben’s favorite websites (facebook, email & MLB rumors) so that he could sit down right away and enjoy his evening. When Ben got home, I welcomed him, took his coat and offered him an ice-cold Fanta. After dinner and seeing his clothes all picked out for the next day, he assured me that he has in fact “made the right choice.”