Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Day!

Hello again friends and family! Sorry for the delay in blogging- it was a fun, but busy holiday season. Our college friends Andy & Susan Kizzee came to stay with us for the holidays. They are currently working for EMI (Engineering Ministries International) in India and were required to leave the country after being there for 180 days (normal visa process in India) and were able to spend some time at our place! They arrived on Dec. 22nd & and another college friend, Buddy, (working for Samaritan's Purse in Sudan), scheduled a lay-over in Brussels so that he could spend Christmas eve and morning with us and Andy and Suz. It was wonderful! More on that later...

So, the topic of this post is the first snow in Brussels! A couple of days before Christmas, we got a HUGE snow! It hardly ever snows in Brussels (once or twice a year) and it snowed about 5-7 inches. It was a beautiful fluffy snow- the snow made our neighborhood look like it was a live Christmas card! Luna LOVES the snow, so she was out on our balcony most of the afternoon eating snow and trying to catch snowflakes. Isaiah made his first appearance in the snow, but he slept through most of it. I accidentally lifted his rain cover off the stroller and snow flakes started drifting to his face. As each one hit, he would gasp- it was hilarious!
Here is Isaiah suited up and ready to face the snow!
Getting some love for a very excited Luna- she couldn't wait to go outside and romp in the snow!
A couple of smiley pictures- it is always so hard to catch him on camera smiling because the flash always startles him!

The snowy view from Isaiah's window- unfortunately you can't see it in the picture, but the houses in the background all had smoke curling from the chimneys. Wow- it was truly amazing.
Luna's park all covered in snow.
Isaiah in his stroller experiencing his first snow.
Luna on the balcony licking up the snow. Her nose was to the ground so much that snow kept clinging to her ears.
A cute, chubby face picture to close :)

p.s. Bad news- we can't find out camera charger (for the video camera or the digital one and our batteries are dead...bummer...we'll continue looking, but this may be the last blog post with pics for a while :(

p.p.s. Good news- as a Christmas present to the extended family, Isaiah and I (Bekah) are coming home Feb. 10th - Feb 23rd for a quick visit. Hope to see you then :)