Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update on the Babino

I haven't blogged to much about this second baby (sorry Baby #2!), so I'll just throw in a quick update. This week we are at 27 weeks already! Ben keeps telling me I need to get a picture of the belly, but I keep forgetting to take one (one of my WORST pregnancy symptoms this time around is "baby eating my brain" symptom where I forget everything, several times over). The pregnancy is going well! Every month we get a thumbs up report from the doctor. This baby is definitely a mover and a shaker though, even Isaiah has felt the baby move! He asks me several times a day now, "baby kicking? baby kicking?" Especially when I wince or say "oooph" he always asks, "baby kicking?" Very cute! I think Isaiah is ready to be a big brother!

Time for an update of what the babino has been up to lately...
He climbed into his ball cart all on his own and was having a great time hanging out in there- even better when I pushed him around the apartment! The picture below is his "cheeeeese" face!

Isaiah wanted to put on this pancho-sweater thing of mine- he looked hilarious...he kept tripping on it, but didn't want to take it off for 20 minutes.
4th of July party with all the American fixings that we could find. Soooo fun! And so much food left over- after everyone has eaten way more than they should have, each family took enough meat/salads home for 1 or 2 extra meals!
Bo, Caleb & Isaiah playing with Bo's Thomas the train set. Isaiah LOVES the train set...I think I know what he's getting for his birthday this year!

Eating cereal out of his cool bowl with an attached straw.
Bo and Isaiah having a snack together :)
Another view of the 4th of July food...
Isaiah and Ben being silly

More Cheeeeeese!
Isaiah climbed up here and got stuck- hilarious! I tried to upload a video below, but I'm not sure it worked...