Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bath Time

Everyone loves babies and bath time, so I thought this might be an appropriate Blog.
Isaiah wasn't too excited initially, but after he warmed up in the water he really like his bath. He was such a tropper!
First bath at the hospital. I'm sure he's thinking, "What are you doing to me?!? I'm freeeezing!"

Playing games with Dad before bath time. Ben will call Isaiah's name from right above him, or the left side, or the right side and Isaiah will turn his head to find Ben's voice. It is pretty amazing. I tried this with him and he doesn't seem to want to play with me....haha, but he loves this game with Dad!

Looking o so cute after bath time!

Our super sweet Tummy Tub...apparently they have been "all the rage" in Europe for a while. It is supposed to immitate being in the womb because the babies sit in the fetal position in water. Isaiah loved sitting in his tummy tub. He is so relaxed as soon as he hits the water. His arms and legs just float around. It will be so much fun when he can sit up on his own and splash!

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