Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Luxembourgh City

We are trying to use our Saturdays to go to places that are within a 2 hour driving distance from Brussels, so a few weeks ago we decided to visit Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. It is so amazing that we can drive 2 hours and be in another country! Luxembourg is a tiny country, only about 100 square miles, but rather rich- it has the highest Gross Domestic Product per capita in the world! The main attraction is the old city walls and several amazing fortresses scattered around the city. It was a beautiful day, perfect for walking around the old wall.

Tons of building were carved into the walls of the city.
Sweet winding staircase into the valley that separate the old and new city.

This reminded me of the trees in the third Lord of the Rings books/movies- awesome! Also, see how tall the walls are?? There are little tiny people walking on the bottom left and that pathway was only half the distance down the total wall.
There happened to be a sweet flee market going on the day that we were there. I was sorely tempted to buy the old Gramaphone...

I was in charge of reading the map and figuring out how to get places- believe it or not, I usually beg Ben for this job when we travel. I love knowing where I am at on the map and then finding my way around to different places. This time I was supposed to be getting us to the path at the bottom of the wall when we stumbled across this old, chained up building filled with statues...It was very weird. It was like a statue graveyard behind bars.... And, by the way, I did get us to the path we were looking for- we just took the scenic route.
Climbing a ridiculously sleep hill...
Amazing view of the city in the valley
Ben under one of the many bridges.
Smelling the BEAUTIFUL flowing trees!
Here you can get an idea of how tall the city fortress walls were- VERY! Ben and I had to take turns scaling this enormous hill to get this picture. After Ben climbed it, he dared me to do it (thinking that I couldn't) and I smoked his time....Booyah...of course I wasn't carrying a 50lb hiking pack, but Ben needed something to handicap him anyway. Going down was actually much worse than going up because it was almost vertical part of the way- I almost fell a lot...really the whole way down.
We found a field of daffodils and decided to take some pictures of Isaiah _ sorry there are so many, I just couldn't choose!

Isaiah next to his future car...

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