Friday, September 18, 2009


Our last visit in Italy (for now) was to Pompeii. If you aren’t familiar with Pompeii, it is an ancient city that was situated close to Mt. Vesuvius, an active volcano. In 79 AD, the volcano erupted and covered the entire town in 20+ feet of soot and ash, basically petrifying everything in the town. Pompeii was very wealthy- they had their own gladiatorial fighting arena, a coliseum-like arena, various amphitheaters, plumbing, stone streets, and lavish houses. It was amazing how enormous Pompeii was. It was impossible to see even most of the current excavated city in one afternoon. There is a still a sizable portion of the city to be excavated. Because of the incredible preservation, we could see the paintings on the inside of the houses, Roman political graffiti, marble and stone bars, fountains, etc. It was very surreal walking through the town that is thousands of years old and still very much intact.

Gladitorial fighting arena.
Ben and I looking very hot...

The inside of one of the best presevered houses- it was huge! Look at how high the ceilings were! There was a vomitorium, bathroom, atrium, garden, bedrooms, and various other rooms on the first floor. (If you are interested in knowing what a vomitorium is...ask me later.)
Political graffiti still visible on the walls.

A bar- there were tons of bars, all with the same "holes" in the serving counter, presumably for keeping items cool or simply for storing wine.

Another bar with a sweet mosaic-ish top.

A street in Pompeii.

Inside of one of the houses- it was amazing seeing the colors that survived and the intricate wall designs.

Casts of men, women, and children who did not escape the eruption.

Another stree in Pompeii.

Water foutain (some of them- not this one- still worked!)

Street name.
The outdoor gymnasium. They were all about physical exercise and even had a swimming pool- that is what is now surrounded by rails.

Coliseum of Pompeii.

Ben eating a bannanna in Naples on our way to Pompeii.

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